Always On My Own

If you read this on a daily basis I will put you to sleep. Don't do it.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Fed up!

I seem to be in a pretty low mood today. I have tried to overcome it but things keep getting thrown in my face to not help the situation.

My boss proceeded to tell me that depending on the outcome of us hiring another counterpart for me would be the deciding factor if I get to take the 3 days off between x-mas and new years that the office is open. This pissed me off! My family is all local so I don't travel for the holidays. So I always get stuck working the holiday...

I found out that Mr. Clean lied to me once again. It is a damn shame that someone who acts as if they are my friend feels that they must hide and lie to me about things. I guess I am going to purge that one next.

You see I have a habit of discarding people that have once claimed to being my friend. I can forgive and let go of things but there just comes a point where I am done. I have 2 on my list right now that are getting ready to be discarded like the pieces of trash their friendships have turned out to be. I just simply turn them off. Once I am done I am done!

I am worn out and spread really thin. Which just isn't making my state of mind any better.

My baby didn't get a speaking part in the school play and is a little upset over that, but there are other important things to do, and a show just can't go on without all the extra stuff too.

I think I need to start making some time for me. I just can't seem to find enough hours in the day to do so.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Big "D"

Too Tall called me yesterday and left a message that things in his home are blowing up. I have written about him before. However I have not yet talked to him he did email me say that the last few days have been a living hell and full of nothing but a bunch of fights. His wife told him that she wants a "DIVORCE" no shocker here (that I know of at least). He has been separating himself from her for a long time. This is one marriage that was just not meant to be. What I got out of the email was that she was depending on him to help her be who she is. Doesn't quite make any sense to me. You make your own happiness or the lack thereof. So she is saying that she wants to go to NY and get a job in the city. Now this girl can not even clean up after herself. He does the laundry, cooks dinner, cleans the house all while she either sleeps, plays video games or chats on the computer. I can't see her going anywhere really.

TT and I are supposed to be the best of friends. So I don't quite get it when he puts in his email that he is sorry for being so distant the last few days but to not call him for a few more days but to please email. So tell me this, does he not want me to email so he can work through this with out me asking a million questions, what is there to work through? He has wanted to leave her for almost 2 years now. So I guess that I am supposed to be here on his time. I have issues with that people. I am not here on anyones time but mine and my childs. So don't think that I will be so willing to talk when you deside that it is a good time.

Looks like I might be taking that trip to CA for work. If I go I am going to be going to Irvine, CA. Part of Orange County. I am hoping to be able to do a little bit of the tourest thing so if anyone that may happen across my site reads this and has either been to Orange County or Lives there, could you please feed me some information on the good places to go?

By the way, have you all checked out the Post Secrets web blog, if not take a peak, Very interesting stuff...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Over Extended

I seriously think I have over extended myself again. As most people know school just started. My 9 year old is a cheerleader for the local sports club. This is great, she loves it, loves being a cheerleader. She is what they call a flyer (the girl at the top of the pyramids).

Yesterday when I picked her up from school I was talking to her former Brownie leader. The girls flew up to be and official Junior Girl Scout starting this year. Of coarse I want her to be involved but the word is out that we are going to be doing a group co-lead. Each parent is going to be taking on one month of meetings. This would include 2 GS meetings with the girls and 2 GS Leader Meetings.

My dad wants her to take guitar lessons after cheerleading is done then Soccer after that. Once soccer wraps up it is summer and summer is packed full of many vacations and lots of fun stuff.

The never ending Cycle! Does it ever end.

I work full time and her dad and I are not together so it is really just me with some added support from my parentals. Today my schedule consisted of being up at 5:45am, out the door at 7:30am, drop the babe off at B&A and be at work by 8:30am out of the office at 4:45pm to pick up the babe from B&A by 5:30pm home to change and get the babe a quick snack and be at cheerleading by 6, we made it home at 8:20pm to get dinner, read and hit the bed by 9:30pm. This is when all my fun starts, you know, dishes laundry and of coarse a little blog time before bed. Uhoh sounds like I am whining, well maybe a little but I do it to myself.

Work is talking about sending me to training for 4 day which means I will be gone for pretty much 6 of those days. Nothing is set in stone yet, most likely it won't happen. I have never been away anywhere alone, could be really exciting. I would had to be away from my child for that long, but she would be in good hands if I did have to go.

Off to bed!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

First Day of School!

Well School is back in session again. I can't get over the fact that it feels like last week that I took the last day of school off to pick up my child from School. I always take the first 2 days and the last day of school off so that I can have some extra celebration time with her.

We have a very new teacher this year. She has only taught one year full time and was a sub for a year. To top it all off the year that she did teach it was 6th grade. She is very green. I am not looking forward to this one bit. I was spoiled last year, we had the best teacher. She maintained a website, sent out weekly newsletters and an update letter through email. She really cared about the students and parents, in return the children loved her.

I would like to freeze time a little. My baby is in 4th grade she is 9 years old and getting closer and closer to 10. SO SAD!!!