Always On My Own

If you read this on a daily basis I will put you to sleep. Don't do it.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Big "D"

Too Tall called me yesterday and left a message that things in his home are blowing up. I have written about him before. However I have not yet talked to him he did email me say that the last few days have been a living hell and full of nothing but a bunch of fights. His wife told him that she wants a "DIVORCE" no shocker here (that I know of at least). He has been separating himself from her for a long time. This is one marriage that was just not meant to be. What I got out of the email was that she was depending on him to help her be who she is. Doesn't quite make any sense to me. You make your own happiness or the lack thereof. So she is saying that she wants to go to NY and get a job in the city. Now this girl can not even clean up after herself. He does the laundry, cooks dinner, cleans the house all while she either sleeps, plays video games or chats on the computer. I can't see her going anywhere really.

TT and I are supposed to be the best of friends. So I don't quite get it when he puts in his email that he is sorry for being so distant the last few days but to not call him for a few more days but to please email. So tell me this, does he not want me to email so he can work through this with out me asking a million questions, what is there to work through? He has wanted to leave her for almost 2 years now. So I guess that I am supposed to be here on his time. I have issues with that people. I am not here on anyones time but mine and my childs. So don't think that I will be so willing to talk when you deside that it is a good time.

Looks like I might be taking that trip to CA for work. If I go I am going to be going to Irvine, CA. Part of Orange County. I am hoping to be able to do a little bit of the tourest thing so if anyone that may happen across my site reads this and has either been to Orange County or Lives there, could you please feed me some information on the good places to go?

By the way, have you all checked out the Post Secrets web blog, if not take a peak, Very interesting stuff...


Blogger LDR said...

Ohmigod. You got spammed in your comments. Eeek! If you go into your blog settings, you can change the settings on your comments so that you have to do verification... then you won't get spammed.

Cat furniture? Hmmm... that'd make me laugh.

10:53 PM  

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