Always On My Own

If you read this on a daily basis I will put you to sleep. Don't do it.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Stepping Back In Time & Moving Forward

Do you ever hear a song that takes you back to another time. A time when you thought you knew all and yet life had so much more in store for you. The Dreams of travel and excitement.

Today was one of those days for me. Can someone please invent a machine that takes you back in time in order to relive the best times, and redo the worst. I am really going to date myself here, I heard the song Joy Ride today, and instantly I think about the summer before my senior year of High School. Riding in my best friends Geo Tracker with the top off in a really short tight tank top (you had to catch rays while driving) playing the radio as loud a possible.

Back then I just knew that I was going to take on the world. That once I was an adult that I would be able to do all the things that I wanted to do. I was so WRONG! I have not traveled and I am not the great writer or photographer that I once and still dream of being.

Being an adult is more work (that is not interesting and fun) and not near as much fun.

Is going to work everyday and paying the bills all that life has in store for me. I certainly hope not. I am ready to move forward


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