Always On My Own

If you read this on a daily basis I will put you to sleep. Don't do it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I am a Slacker!

Yes! I am horrible about keeping up with this. It would be great if every time I have a hot topic or thought I was able to log on and blog about it. Unfortunately I would have to keep a computer on me all day and night. That is just not happening. I sometimes wonder if the really good bloggers walk around with a tape recorder in their pocket just for those moments that they do think of something really clever to write about. (I know crazy)

Here is an update on the Mr. Clean situation. Since my last post one or the either of us has been on vacation and not around much. I do run into him at work here and there. My co-worker made a comment that every time he sees me that he lights up and gets a big smile on his face. I continuously remind myself that he is not one of the magical Toads, just a plain old toad that doesn't turn into a Prince.

I miss hanging out with him though. I had such a great time laughing with him, and we had so much in common. UHG!!! Oh well that is over.

I haven't opened my door back up for any possibilities yet, not sure that I am going to any time soon. It really is time to get back to me being me.

School is going to start soon so I will be in full swing with my 9 year old. 4th grade, I can hardly believe that she are going into the 4th grade.

I volunteered to be the Assistant Coach for her Cheerleading Squad, what was I thinking. A new girl joined us today, she is from California she is 14, her cousin who is now her guardian told me that her mother died two months ago and she in now living with her. I am 33 and I can not imagine what my life at this age would be like without my mother, not to mention my daughters. I can't help tearing up every time I think about it.

For some reason I have been introduced lately to a number of people either through the internet or in my everyday life that are going through some major issues. Do you think someone is trying to tell me something? I have been feeling really sorry for myself lately not wanting to do anything. I need to be a little more thankful.

More later, I promise... (Maybe I should invest in that little tape recorder)


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