Always On My Own

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Little Things

Sorry, life have been revolving quickly around here, between working, doing (helping) my 3rd grader do homework, catch up on her reading, and well trying to have a personal life, I have not been good about posting.

Have you ever noticed that the littlest things can make you the happiest? Today I received an email from Scooter, I had text messaged him several times over the last couple of weeks and was starting to feel neglected just a bit. That made my day, just hearing from him, silly I know. Like last Friday, Mr. Clean and I were on the phone talking on the way home and he asked me over to cook out this Friday night. Sounds silly right, but normally he doesn't ask until Tuesday or Wednesday sometimes even Thursday.

I just got off instant messenger with an old friend of mine. This is a man that I have been attracted to for 8 years. We became really good friends, he helped me through some rough times. So off and on for the last 5 years we have gone out, a date here and there, nothing major. Yet for some reason we are always drawn back to each other. He swore that he would forever stay single. Well I guess that changed, because about 9 months ago he got married to a girl that he had been dating for about 6 months. Now we still talk, and he tells me that he still cares about me, and regrets blowing me off at times. He says "Just bad timing", that it will forever suck that we never got together. He has gone as far as telling me that he loves me and misses me. How can he say these things? Does this make any sense to you?

So tell me, why am I always the girl that they regret leaving or treating poorly? Why can't I be the girl that they hook up with after they have learned their lesson and screwed someone else over and not me?

I was talking to my ex-fiancé' earlier, my daughter goes to his house this weekend, she has a birthday party on Sunday, so I need to pick her up early. Lets call him (The Daddy) it fits; when we were together it should have been "The Drunk". We don't have good conversations normally. If his wife is around he treats me like shit, if she isn't we get along great. He was already dating her when we finally called it splits. She landed him by getting pregnant within the first 6 months they were together. He worked 2 jobs so that she could stay home with the baby until she was a little over 3, she already had two kids of her own. Daddy is a different person now, he is more of an adult and is the man that I had so hoped he would be for me. I was young and scared so I chose not to get married. Times were rough with him, he would sit on the barstool from 2pm till 7pm go home call me and that was about it. He would drink to get drunk every night. There were Friday nights that he would say that he was going to pick me up and he would call 2 hours after he was supposed to be there.

I am used to dating men that are 6 foot plus and snuggly, Mr. Clean is 5'7, (an inch shorter than I) cute, but not at all my normal type. I guess I am trying to step out of my box and explore different things. The men I have dated in the past have all been great for a while but eventually turned out to be a dud. Mr. Clean is a great father, who cherishes his son, he is responsible, owns his own home, great to laugh with, and I must say is a fabulous kisser.

Is it smart to go down different roads?


Blogger LDR said...

Absolutely. If the road you're on isn't taking you to your destination -- maybe it's time to get another map or throw the damn map out and try a new road!

Men say we are confusing, I wonder if they realize that the only reason we're confusing is because we're trying to figure them out. It's a fruitless effort... kind of like having an Alligator as a pet -- it's brain is so small all it thinks about it eating, pooping and sleeping.

I'm going down different roads myself. I'm thinking 50 is a nice number for the upper age bracket, 25 for the lower bracket -- but generally staying away from guys who are "my age" because around here they seem to be irrepairably broken.

3:07 PM  

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